Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Deafening Sound of Silence

Absolute Silence. Equals a world without us.

Imagine a world without sound. A day when you wake up to a world where nothing produces sound. Not where you are deaf, just that there's nothing there to hear.

Can you handle the deafening sound of silence?

Sound adds color to our lives. If there was no sound, then we would not probably appreciate most of the things. Life would be very bland and boring. Like toast with no butter. From music, to the voice of your loved ones (and those of the people you hate too, because why not?), to, say, the sound of the wind hitting the grass, making them rustle. Sound sorts of verifies the existence of these things. Things just doesn't seem to be real when there's no sound. And with that said, we could infer, that sound equals life.

But what about those that not produce sound, are they instantly dead? Is silence equivalent to death and/or lifelessness?

If you could say that something is silent, does that mean that you can hear silence?

Silence is just a term coined to the lack of vibrations that produces sound or there maybe vibrations but they are at low intensity, not enough to be audible. But that's just physical silence. Is it possible for us to live in a silent world? For me, it could never be possible, UNLESS we are all dead. Because if we are all dead, there would be no one to hear the silence. 

There is no such thing as pure silence, because humans have an amazing ability to talk to themselves. Our brain never rests in silence. During the day, when we are awoke, our brain tells us what to do. What foot should you step out of bed first. These things doesn't just happen. Our brain has a voice that tells us, and we hear it unconsciously. During the night, when we are asleep, our brain keeps on running too.

Living quietly make sense, if you're thinking about the 'living in the middle of nowhere' quietly. But living in a silent world or living silently does not really make any sense, because putting the words 'living' and 'silently' together in a phrase would create an oxymoron, except that it kind of doesn't really make any sense. We are never silent, because our brain works 24/7. The only moment that we can live silently, is if we are dead. But how can you live when you are dead?

But whatever lies beyond silence, would drive me insane. If there would just be no sound at all, like, not even silence, would kill me. Like a lucid dream, except it's more like a 'lucid death'. You are dead but you are still able to experience things. And you experience, let's just cal it, 'metaphysical silence.' That would probably drive me insane.

And that day, when you wake up to a world where nothing produces sound, where you are not deaf, just that there's nothing there to hear, would never happen.

Because you are dead.

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