Friday, August 08, 2014

Internet Usage Level: Asian

INTERNET IS POWER. And with great power, comes great responsibility.
Fifty percent (50%) of the world'd population lives in Asia, so it was no surprise that Asians are the world's most internet loving people. According to a research, as of 2012, forty-four percent (44%) of the world's internet users are in Asia. Europe comes second (22%), then followed by North America (11%). Asia houses a total of 1,076,681,059 internet users. Wow! That's a lot of wi-fi-using, Facebook-loving, YouTube-watching, and Google-searching humans.

Today, internet is considered as a necessity, especially for communicating with each other, no matter how far away. Asia is one of the fastest developing regions of the world. We use the internet as a medium of communication in every aspect of our life, and economy. It could mean that, since Asia houses most of the world's internet users, we are on our way to development. It could mean that more people are being oriented to the power of internet, therefore, creating a more educated, civilized, and smart community.

As of June 2012, China sits at the top of the list when it comes to the top internet users in Asia. Philippines comes in at number 6 next to countries such as South Korea and Japan, both of which are very advanced when it comes to technology.

But this news does not just leaves a positive mark. Since we use the internet more than any countries, it may also imply that cyber-crimes are rampant throughout Asia. Internet has also became a medium for different crimes such as human trafficking, and bullying. Which may imply that Asia is also at the top of the list when it comes to cyber-crime.

To conclude, we should use internet wisely and use this power (yes, it is a power, and as the movie Spider-man -- I believe -- has stated, "With great power, comes great responsibility") in nothing but good.

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