Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Pandora's Mouth: The Power of Words

IGNORANCE isn't really BLISS

Remember that Greek story. When the first woman, Pandora, was handed a box (or a jar) and she wasn't allowed to open it, but she did not follow 'cause she think she bad, BUT SHE AIN'T. So she still opened that box and unleashed all the evils of the world. Thank you, Pandora. You just gave the world what it needed the mosit, sickness, debauchery, and just pure, cold, evilness.

WORDS, might be the reason of all the evils of the world.

So, what does this have to do with the power of words thing? Well, I was thinking of a good post because I really don't want to JUST make one. And I was thinking, what's a good representation for how opening your mouth and not thinking about what you're going to say? And then I remembered that Greek story.

I believe that words can be very powerful. Words can bring peace, or start a war. But what I came to realize is that, WORDS, might be the reason of all the evils of the world. Because sometimes some people just can't contain their opinion and just respect one's belief. People say a lot of offensive things without even knowing that it's offensive. And that's the saddest thing. People don't even think of what their going to say. People are basically clueless, like Pandora. They are not educated about things that they say.

With the use of those words, you are fueling something more harsh, something bigger, something that causes people to die.

I'm not gonna lie, I was one of those people before. I used to say words like, that word some call women that levels them to a dog. Or that one which -- weirdly, some just say it for no apparent reason -- was used to call people from Africa that were brought to the United States to be a white man's slave. But then I was educated about this (YOU SHOULD BE AS WELL) and now I whenever I see/hear people say those words, I cringe. Then I feel sorry for them because sometimes they just say it to seem "cool", or "hip" and all these things that they think they can achieve if they say these words. Little do they know that RACISM and SEXISM, exists, and STILL EXISTS because of these words. With the use of those words, you are fueling something more harsh, something bigger, something that causes people to die.

There is only one obvious reason for this to happen. IGNORANCE. If people would only think about what they're going to say, and people would value other people's belief, then we might finally find peace in this world. Because if Pandora only listened, gave things a thought, and applied, then the evils of the world might not have existed, or exists. Some people might say "Oh it's just words, it doesn't really matter" but I tell you it's not. If we use words that are offensive, then are just opening more doors for more evil. These things that we can't see, they are the ones who leave a deeper cut.

You are Pandora. You have destroyed the world. But remember that there's still one thing that is left to fix what you have done.

What is that thing you ask?


and of course stop saying these words. Use 'yo head! Think before you speak.

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