Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The end of pretty: My own artistic style

"Cotton Candy". Watercolor. Original Art by Zander Esteban
A sense of me

I like making people laugh. It is one of things that - based on my observation - I do effortlessly. I like seeing people be happy and laugh at my jokes and at the things I do for fun. I particularly am fond of irony and sarcasm. One friend told me I was so good at doing it, that sometimes it confuses her if I am joking or I am being serious, which makes her uncomfortable sometimes (which I find funny; is that too much?). This is me in the real world, a hilarious and spontaneous guy. But, when it comes with art, I am different. I like to think that art is a vessel of things or emotions that you can't or don't usually show in real life. Being a firm believer - firm-ish - of the zodiac, I believe that as a Gemini, I will, and always be two-faced. I am not just the happy, spontaneous guy, there is another side of me that is dark, and mysterious. I take that and apply it to my art, but with my craft I don't hide the other side. I show both sides, creating a unique character. A character that is hilarious and dark, comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time. That is my kind of art. In the words of Beyonce (non-verbatim): "I like to make something pretty, then mess it up. That's what makes it mine." That's what I like to do. Like my humor - the irony and sarcasm - I like making people a bit uncomfortable, in the sense that they feel confused as to what to think about my art. I would like to make them think, "It really is pretty, but also vile at the same time. I like it."

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