Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Future: "Is it real? Is it real?"

METAPHOR. An accurate GIF representing how I feel about new technologies.

If you think this is already the future . . . you're wrong.

Remember the good old days when you have your cellphone, the very bulky ones. Where you can only text and call people. Remember the big personal computers, the hunchback ones. And the only way you can access the net is by using a card (I actually don't quite remember how to use those things, but I do remember encountering them). Remember when the only social networking site you have is Friendster, where you can customize your profile, and put a bunch of things you like, and then if you want to send a message, you can post a testimonial in someones page.

Slowly, these gadgets become human. And slowly, we become techno-zombies -- dazedemotionless. Everything that makes us human is being taken away 

Now, we have the convenience that is smartphones. This magical gadget allows us to do all of this things in just one touch, using ONE DEVICE. Today, we have multiple social networking sites where you can share your opinion about almost everything. Everything is just slide and sweep. These devices we use today, were just available in science fiction films of yesterday. It's always funny to me when I watch these dystopic sci-fi movies that were made in the 60s-70s and they have this weird perception of future. The gadgets, the way we live, the fashion. They were probably thinking, "This is crazy!" "These things will never exist." Well, guess what?

What lies in the future of communicating is really something we should be curious and scared about. There are a lot of weird things going on with technology, and there are a lot of weird things about to happen with it. They say that in the future, it will be possible for us to store our memory into a chip (Like the pensieve Dumbledore uses to view his memories). We might be able to actually put ourselves inside an operating machine, a computer (see Transcendence, a movie starring Johnny Depp). In future, we can be anywhere, without actually going anywhere. The boundaries have really been broken. One second, you can only hear the voice of the person you're talking to over the phone, now, we are able to see their actual faces. Now that's hearing and seeing. What about touch? In the future, there might be some revolutionary gadget where you can reach out the screen and touch your friend's face. See how they're slowly putting our senses in to these gadgets? Slowly, these gadgets become human. And slowly, we become techno-zombies -- dazed, emotionless. Everything that makes us human is being taken away and used as a concept for a much more human-like communicating experience.

FUTURE IN THE PAST. From 1927 science-fiction film, Metropolis. Directed by Fritz Lang

If all of these does not creep you out, well, I'm happy for you. Maybe I'm not that techy enough to grasp the concept of these upcoming technologies. I don't get it actually. All of these things, technological advancements I'm hearing seems unreal. And I think that is the main goal of technology today, to blur the line separating what's real and what's fake

Let us just sit back and watch what will happen in the future of communicating. All I want to say is that, I love using all these technology to communicate but what I enjoy the most is talking personally. No matter how instant, or convenient this technologies we have now, nothing beats the presence of a human being. Not a even a cold glass screen.

photos are not mine.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

"2014 na, Choppy Ka Pa Rin?"

The internet is now one of the major medium or platform of communication. It has become a tool of communicating in different aspects of our life, it plays a vital role in our social interaction and has made it easier and convenient to reach one another. But all of this will never be possible or easy with a slow connection, how are we supposed to send the message that we want to share to other people if we our connection is "choppy"?

"I-I can't hear you?"
"Speak louder, maybe?"
"I said . . ."

When it comes to internet connection, were probably at the last of the line. Our internet remains slow and expensive. For an ultra-fast internet connection, you'd have to pay twenty-thousand pesos for 100 Mbp/s connection (PLDT Fibr) or twenty-five thousand pesos for 150Mbp/s connection (Globe Tattoo Torque). THAT IS EXPENSIVE. And I doubt that will be really an ultra-fast internet that will be accessible at all times.

We have to improve our internet connection because, with the growing population of internet users, it is very important that our internet be fast and accessible.

Speaking of accessibility, believe it or not, some places in the Philippines still haven't had the chance to have a taste of electricity. So whenever you feel like complaining, you might as well keep it to yourself before everybody calls you insensitive. How are we supposed to reach them if they don't have electricity. In terms of being "connected", we are not yet wired to each other. And as stated in the first paragraph, communication through internet and other technologies is very important.

When it comes to technology, the Philippines have yet to prove its advancement. The things we find fast, is really nowhere the real definition of FAST. Compared to the other countries, the Philippines is the guy in the marathon that finishes last. That guy who everybody waits for in the finish line. The very last guy. The only guy left.We might as well be called cavemen for this "de-uling" internet connection. Let us just hope that one day, we'll reach that level where the internet connection will be very fast it will feel like surfing on air. 

Are you willing to wait? Are you patient enough? Or have you had it?

" 'Di talaga kita maintindihan. Choppy ka."

References/Read more on: (Wikipedia   Abs-Cbn News)
.gifs are not mine. courtesy of

Friday, August 08, 2014

Internet Usage Level: Asian

INTERNET IS POWER. And with great power, comes great responsibility.
Fifty percent (50%) of the world'd population lives in Asia, so it was no surprise that Asians are the world's most internet loving people. According to a research, as of 2012, forty-four percent (44%) of the world's internet users are in Asia. Europe comes second (22%), then followed by North America (11%). Asia houses a total of 1,076,681,059 internet users. Wow! That's a lot of wi-fi-using, Facebook-loving, YouTube-watching, and Google-searching humans.

Today, internet is considered as a necessity, especially for communicating with each other, no matter how far away. Asia is one of the fastest developing regions of the world. We use the internet as a medium of communication in every aspect of our life, and economy. It could mean that, since Asia houses most of the world's internet users, we are on our way to development. It could mean that more people are being oriented to the power of internet, therefore, creating a more educated, civilized, and smart community.

As of June 2012, China sits at the top of the list when it comes to the top internet users in Asia. Philippines comes in at number 6 next to countries such as South Korea and Japan, both of which are very advanced when it comes to technology.

But this news does not just leaves a positive mark. Since we use the internet more than any countries, it may also imply that cyber-crimes are rampant throughout Asia. Internet has also became a medium for different crimes such as human trafficking, and bullying. Which may imply that Asia is also at the top of the list when it comes to cyber-crime.

To conclude, we should use internet wisely and use this power (yes, it is a power, and as the movie Spider-man -- I believe -- has stated, "With great power, comes great responsibility") in nothing but good.

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